Marvel announced nine more Marvel Cinematic Universe films. By 2019, this will more than double the number of MCU films, there are currently only 10 film, but in four and half years, there will be 21 film by May 2019.
There are still two more Marvel "Phase 2" Movies set for release next year, "Avengers: Age of Ultron" (May 1, 2015) and ("Ant-Man" July 17, 2015).
Marvel's "Phase 3" Movies kicks off in 2016 with "Captain America: Civil War" (May 6, 2016), which will be followed by "Doctor Strange" (November 4, 2016).
In 2017, Marvel is set to start releasing three Marvel Cinematic Universe films a year. The first will be the "Guardians of the Galaxy" sequel (May 5, 2017), which will be followed by "Thor: Ragnarok" (July 28, 2017) and "Black Panther" (November 3, 2017).
Marvel will contine with three films set for release in 2018 beginning with "Avengers: Infinity War: Part I" (May 4, 2018), "Captain Marvel" (July 6, 2018), and "The Inhumans" (November 2, 2018)
"Phase 3" will conclude in 2019 with Avengers: Infinity War: Part II (May 3, 2109).
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